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The software offers different views that can be selected by clicking on the respective tab.

View tabs

Certain views are only selectable for recorded data, but not for live data.

Insole view

Insole view

This view shows the pressure distribution as a heat map on a 3D model of the insole. The 3D view can be rotated as desired by clicking and dragging. The 3D navigation (C) can also be used to select specific view axes (by clicking on the Y axis, for example, the scene is displayed from above). The color legend (D) shows which color represents which pressure value. The maximum value can be edited by clicking. By clicking and dragging up/down on the color scale, the maximum value can also be moved up/down.

Live mode

If "Live Data" is selected in the selection list (A), the view shows the currently measured pressure values of the connected devices. A new recording can be created in this mode.

Play mode

If a previously created recording is selected in the selection list (A), you can choose between the following subviews (B):

  • Timeline: Shows the pressure values at the time set on the timeline (G). Clicking the Play/Pause button (E) plays/pauses the recording. The playback speed can be adjusted by clicking on the selection (F).
  • Average: Shows the average pressure values over the entire recording.
  • Maximum: Shows the maximum pressure values over the entire recording.

Foot view

Foot view

This view works in the same way as the insole view, but here the pressure distribution is visualized on the 3D model of an exemplary pair of feet.

Graph view

Graph view

This view shows the pressure values of the selected sensors as a graph over time. Minimum, average and maximum (calculated over the pressure values of all selected sensors) are also displayed. Individual sensors can be selected or deselected by clicking in the sensor overview.

IMU view

IMU view

This view is only available if an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) is installed in the displayed device. It shows the rotation in 3D space as well as the measured acceleration and angular velocity as a graph over time.

Gait view

Gait view

This view provides simple gait analysis functions. It shows the gait lines left (red), right (green) and combined from both feet (blue). The measured total pressure is displayed as a graph over time. In addition, the walking speed, the average duration of the stance and swing phase as well as the distribution of the total pressure on the left and right foot can be seen.