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Start recording

  1. Ensure that at least one insole is connected.
  2. Select "Live Data" in the selection list.
  3. Press the Record button.

    Record button

  4. Choose recording mode.

    • Online Recording: Recording takes place on PC. Insoles need to stay connected for the duration of the recording. Recorded data is available instantly.
    • On-device Recording: Recording takes place on insoles. Insoles may be disconnected after recording was started. Recorded data is available after download from insoles. Insoles must run firmware 2.0.0 or later (dispatched December 21, 2022 or later) for this feature to be usable. Starting a new recording will overwrite any existing recordings on the connected insoles.

    Recording mode selection

  5. Click "Record" to start the recording.

Stop recording

  1. Click the Stop button.

    Stop button

  2. New recording appears in the selection list and is automatically selected.

  3. Recordings made in "Online Recording" mode are immediately available and can be inspected and analyzed in the different views. These recordings are also automatically saved in the sendance-cloud in the background and are thus available to the user on any end devices after login. Recordings made in "On-device Recording" mode must first be downloaded from the insole.

Download recording from insole

  1. Connect insole (see usage).
  2. Recordings available on the insole are automatically added to the selection list. If the recording is still in progress, it must first be stopped (see stop recording).
  3. Select recording in the selection list.
  4. Click "Download".

    Download interface in idle state

  5. Wait until the download and processing of the recorded data is completed. During this process other functions of the application may be used, the download continues in the background.

    Download interface in progress state

  6. After a successful download, the recorded data can be inspected and analyzed in the different views.

Rename recording

  1. Select a recording in the selection list.
  2. Click on the name of the recording.
  3. Enter a new name and confirm by pressing enter.

Delete recording

  1. Select the recording in the selection list.
  2. Click the Delete button.

    Delete button

  3. Confirm security prompt.

Download recording as CSV file

  1. Select the recording in the selection list.
  2. Click the Download button.

    Download button

  3. The downloaded CSV files contain in the first column a time value (in ISO 8601 format) and in the following columns the measured values at that time.